What are angels?
Angel in Hebrew: S4397 – malak: to despatch as a deputy, angel, ambassador, king, messenger
Angel in Greek: S32 – aggelos: messenger, angel
Dictionary definition:
1. a spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent, or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe.
- a person of exemplary conduct or virtue.
Why did God create angels?
God does not have a beginning or an end. He wasn’t created, He is the creator. Everything else was created by Him (Col 1:16). Including the angels. God created everything for His pleasure (Rev 4:11). He is God, THE God, almighty and all-powerful, omni-present. The Bible does not specifically say why God created angels, as it also does not say why God created us, humans, or the earth, for that matter. Basically, we can say: because He wanted to. Not that angels are without function. In creation and all that followed, angels play a very important role.
What are angels?
They are spiritual beings. They do not marry or reproduce (Mark 12:25). They do appear to be masculine, as they are referred to have the appearance of men (Gen 19, Judges 13), and the names of angels mentioned in the Bible are masculine: Gabriel (Dan 8:12) and Michael (Dan 10:13, Jude 1:9). They are powerful beings (Ps 103:20, 2 Pet 2:11). The Bible refers to angels as the “sons of God” (Job 38:7). Angels have a higher rank than humans (Ps 8:5), but in the end the saints of God will judge even the angels (1 Cor 6:3).
When were angels created?
It seems that angels were created before the earth and heavens, because they shouted for joy when it was created (Job 38:4-7).
How many angels are there?
Heb 12:22 says they are innumerable. In Rev 5:11 they are described as “ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;”. A multitude sang when Jesus was born (Luke 2:13-14). When kings wanted to attack Elisha, a mountain full of horses and chariots of fire were waiting to defend him (2 Kings 6:17). Jesus said that twelve legions of angels were at His disposal (Matt 26:53).
Do angels have personalities?
I believe so. They can think and they have free will. They express emotions (Luke 15:10). They can talk – as they have their own language (1 Cor 13:1). They have names, although besides Lucifer, only two other angels’ names are mentioned in the Bible: Gabriel and Michael. The angel who told Manoah about his son (Samson) said that his name was “secret” (Judges 13:17-18).
Are their ranks among angels?
Yes. Michael is the archangel, the highest rank (Jude 1:9). There are seraphs/seraphims (Is 6:2,6), and cherubs/cherubims (Gen 3:23-24). I think that Satan uses the same ranking system as the angels, as the reference to “principalities” and “powers” and “dominions” includes angels and demons (Eph 6:12, 1 Pet 3:22, Col 1:16).
What do angels do?
They defend God’s people (Dan 12:1). They preach the gospel (Rev 14:6-7). They deliver messages (Acts 8:26, Luke 1:26, John 20:12,13). They take care of God’s children when they die (Luke 16:22). They protect God’s children (Ps 34:7, Ps 91:10-11). They minister unto God’s children (Heb 1:14, Matt 4:11). Most of all, they serve God, are willing to help God in whatever way He needs and they are obedient to His commands: 1 Kings 22, Heb 13:2. They praise and worship God (Is 6:2-3, Luke 2:13-14). And of course, they take very special care of children (Matt 18:10.) They will also separate the just from the unjust at the end (Matt 13:49). Also at the end of time, they will fight against the devil and his angels (Rev 12:7). Angels are also witnesses (Luke 12:9).
Myth vs Fact:
Myth: humans become angels when they die
Fact: If you were a born-again child of God, you will receive a glorified body (1 Cor 15:52) and if not, you will be cast into the fire, with Satan and his fallen angels (Matt 25:41). You become like angels when we rise from the dead, in that you do not marry (Matt 12:25).
Myth: Angels serve humans
Fact: Angels serve God, even Jesus said that He can ask His Father to provide angels to protect Him, He (in human form) would not call them Himself (Matt 26:53). Angels obey God’s commands (Ps 103:20). You can ask God to send his angels, but you cannot command the angels directly (Ps 91:11).
Myth: You can pray to angels, and worship them
Fact: You cannot pray to anyone other than God Almighty, or worship anyone or anything else – that is idolatry (Rev 19:10, John 14:6, Col 2:18).
Myth: Angels are immortal
Fact: Just like humans, angels are granted everlasting life through obedience to God. Those who rebelled against God and became fallen angels, will be cast into hell and the lake of fire (2 Pet 2:4, Matt 25:41).
What are demons?
Demons are fallen angels. Angels were created before the earth and the heavens were created. Lucifer was one of the highest angels. Isaiah 14 describes his downfall and why: because he wanted to be like God. He was the “son of the morning” and appears as an “angel of light” (2 Cor 11:14). General consensus is that he was a beautiful angel, with some saying that he was the light behind the throne of God. I haven’t found scripture to back that, but it is not far-fetched.
In Is 14 it is described that Lucifer said in his heart, by implication: he thought. We can safely assume that angels have free will just like humans. A third of the angels decided to go with Lucifer (Rev 12:4). They became fallen angels – now called demons. Lucifer became Satan.
If we can’t command angels, then what about demons?
I believe that we can’t order demons around either. When we deal with demons, it must always be in the name of Jesus Christ, not in our own power. Even Jesus quoted scripture when He was tempted in the desert (Matt 4:1-11) and Michael told Satan “The Lord rebuke thee” (Jude 1:9).
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