My son and I had a massive falling out. He is almost 17 and very opinionated, struggling with authority. And, he wants to go live with his dad, because he feels that this house, our house, is too strict. We are not allowing him the freedoms he needs to “earn an income” and “build his future”.
So, he upped and left. He walked out the door, apparently going to his dad’s.
For the first time in a very long time, probably ever, I did not lose my cool during our fight. I was calm and collected. Not only on the outside, speaking in a normal, but assertive, voice, but on the inside as well. I would normally boil over, my good intentions of not devolving into a screaming monster, evaporating in the heat of anger. But not this time.
Obviously, I was concerned for his well-being out there on the road. But, I also knew that he was in God’s hands, as that is where I had placed him. I was also very concerned for when he did reach his dad, and his dad rejects him, tells him that he cannot live with him… That rejection will be devastating.
I needed to go shopping, but before I went, I decided to pray for my son. I went to his room and anointed it with oil, knelt by his bed and prayed. I talked to his spirit, under the blood of Jesus Christ. And I asked God to take care of him, as I cannot. He alone can reach my son, and guide him.
As we drove down the road towards town, we drove past my son, who was on his way back home.
When I got back home after shopping, he came to me and apologized for his behavior. He said he made it to the taxi ranks, and was sitting there between all the other people waiting for a taxi, when two black men approached him. They talked fluent Afrikaans, our home language, and apparently knew why he was there. And they told him that he was arrogant, and disobedient, and that he needed to pay the necessary respect to his parents, as they are only trying to help him.
He said that he couldn’t understand how these guys knew what his circumstances were, and he was actually quite infuriated that complete strangers took his mom’s side! More intriguing, was that they spoke Afrikaans fluently, without even so much as an accent. He said that he thought I must have sent them to him!
But I didn’t. I just smiled as he told me. Whether or not he really did meet these two men, or just made it up, I’ll never know. But what I do know, is that God spoke to him. God answered my prayer and He brought my son safely home.
After the two men spoke to my son, he said that he got up to come home, and as he turned around to look for them, they were nowhere to be seen.
– Mom, January 2021, RSA
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