We fell onto some hard times and couldn’t pay our house – for 3 years! For the first 1 1/2 years the bank didn’t even pick up that we were behind. Once they did, they started calling, and then the emails, and finally the summons. The house was to be sold.
And then Covid hit. And the whole repossession was cancelled! Not put on hold, not postponed – cancelled. After about 4 months, the process started again: phone calls, emails and eventually the summons.
We had to choose to have the sold at auction or through the EasySell programme.
We chose the EasySell and the house just didn’t sell. Nobody was interested – especially not at the price the bank wanted for the place. It was run down, falling apart, huge cracks in the wall and the thatch roof leaking and in need of replacement, not repair.
The bank extended the EasySell period and one day 2 different people came to view the house. One was visibly put off by the condition of the place, the other was in rapture by its beauty and size.
They put in a written offer of R1.1m – an absurd amount given the condition.
We had to find a place to stay. With a bad credit record, no score, and no income – both me and my husband was unemployed, we most certainly couldn’t buy and renting proved to be impossible.
Not to mention that we needed a sizeable place – we simply couldn’t fit into a small, standard sized house. We needed at least 8 rooms (bed + living). 7 would be a squeeze, but doable. And our budget: R15k/month, depending on water and lights.
My sister found a house through someone she knew and she vouched for us. They owner was willing to let us rent from him, despite not having any credit or income. But the house was small. There was only 4 rooms (3 bed and 1 living). It had a yard, but also not very big.
But we haven’t been able to find anything else. I simply wanted whatever house God wanted me to have. And I just couldn’t imagine that God – knowing our needs – would squeeze us into such a small place.
I told my husband that I think we should wait for God to provide a big enough house. To trust Him. We told the guy thanks, but no thanks. We’ll wait on God.
After making the decision to trust God to provide what we needed (a big house to rent without credit or income), my husband went to his laptop and started searching for a house. He clicked on the first result, and opened the first house on the list.
It is the house we are living in now.
It has 9 rooms (6 bed and 3 living) – more than what I asked for! Massive kitchen, just beautiful. Even with water & lights, it is still within our budget. And the owner couldn’t care less about agents, credit or income. If we don’t pay – we move, if we pay – we stay. Pretty simple.
The dates, the moving company – everything has worked out perfectly.
How are we going to pay for this place? Well, it’s not ours, is it? It is God’s. He will provide.
He always has.
– M, April 2021, RSA
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