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Beyond Ourselves - Week 3


Challenge for the week:


Read:     Beyond Ourselves – Chapter 3

Question: What is your definition of control? How important is being in control to you?

For yourself: Write down 3 situations in your past over which you feel you had no control, because the control was taken away from you. Ask yourself these questions for each situation: 1) who took your control away? 2) what would you have done differently if you had not lost your control? 3) Would it have turned out better if you had kept control? 4) How did you feel about losing control? 5) What was the impact of that situation on the rest of your life?

For your relationship: Write down 3 areas in your relationship where you feel you don’t have any control. Ask yourself these questions for each area: 1) why do you want control? 2) what is going to happen if you don’t have control? 3) what is going to happen if you do have control?

For your community: Look at the people around you, on the street, at work, in the shops… who is controlling them? What forces are driving them – you only have their actions to go on, so what do you see?

Chapter 3






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