Challenge for the week:
Read: Beyond
Ourselves – Chapter 1
Question: What do you want? Make a list. Be
comprehensive: physically, emotionally, spiritually, now, in 5 years, for your
old age, etc.
For yourself: Write down 5 things you like and 5 things you
dislike about yourself.
For your relationship: Ask your partner for just 1 thing
that bothers them about your ACTIONS above all the others (e.g. throwing the
towel on the floor and not hanging it up). Just ask, do not discuss it. On your
own, think about it: is it something you can change? Why do you think it
bothers your partner? Why doesn’t it bother you? If you can change it, focus
this week on changing it (pick up the towel and hang it up). If you can’t, you
need to understand why not (you pass out every time your head drops below your
waist – it’s a medical condition).
For your community: Reach out to a friend you haven’t talked to in
a while. Take some time to notice someone else and care about them – ask if
they are ok, can you help (but be truly willing to!! Otherwise don’t), give
them a word of encouragement. And practice ARK – Acts of Random Kindness (pick
up the coin the lady in front of you dropped, allow someone else to pass before
you, etc.
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